A popular pub in Huntingdonshire has raised vital funds for a Cambridgeshire hospice in memory of one of its customers. 

Over the last three years, The Haywain in St Ives has raised nearly £4,000 for the Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge through a series of charity golfing days. 

Last week, landlord Steve Lowe presented a cheque of more than £1,200 in memory of former Haywain regular Gordon Luff to the charity, which is based in Cherry Hinton Road. 

Gordon, 82, died in 2022 after being diagnosed with a brain tumour and received hospice at home care from the Arthur Rank Hospice, which supports living with advanced serious illnesses and other life-limiting conditions. 

Gillian Luff, 64, who was married to Gordon for 38 years, described this year's fundraiser as "incredibly humbling" and "emotional". 

She told The Hunts Post: "My husband and I were regulars at The Haywain and then when Gordon died they began to raise money for the Arthur Rank Hospice in his memory. 

"Gordon's diagnosis came as quite a shock because despite he was incredibly fit and active. However, thanks to Arthur Rank he was able to die at home with those he loved around him. 

"To know that such a significant amount of money has been raised in honour of Gordon makes me emotional. There's a great community at The Haywain and I've felt incredibly supported since he died."

Landlord of the The Haywain Steve Lowe said Gordon's passing "really hit" the pub and those who visit regularly. 

He said: "Gordon was a local here in all my time as a landlord, which is around 14 years, and he was very popular among all the locals.

"We were with him up until his diagnosis when sadly he could no longer come out. When he passed it was a bit of a hit for us because we're a strong community pub

"So when it came to our annual charity golf fundraiser I approached Gill and suggested we raise money for the Arthur Rank Hospice in light of how well the charity had looked after Gordon." 

In its first year of fundraising for the hospice, The Haywain raised more than £1,800 before securing an additional £900 in 2023.

Over the last fourteen years, it has raised nearly £10,000 for a number of local charities including nearly £1,800 for the Magpas Air Ambulance. 

Steve, 57, added: "We're a very generous lot here and we plan on continuing to raise money in memory in Gordon through charity raffles and hampers for Christmas and Easter."