A Huntingdonshire church has celebrated its director of music's 40th anniversary of joining as an organist. 

St Neots Parish Church paid tribute to Lloyd Barnett's devotion and loyalty in a special Choral Evensong service on July 28 and a separate morning service on August 4. 

He was joined by friends, fellow musicians, members of the choir and congregation to celebrate his "immense contribution" to the church over the decades. 

On August 28, members of the congregation had the opportunity to present a card, gifts and a cake designed and baked by the church's catering team. 

The Reverend Margaret Marshall who has known Lloyd personally for more than 40 years paid tribute to his "dedication" to improving music in the church. 

Lloyd joined St Neots Parish Church as organist and choir director in 1984. 

Revd Marshall said: "I really wanted people to realise that being director isn't just a case of turning up on a Sunday morning. 

"Lloyd works incredibly hard, he does choir practice every week and even when his wife died he was conducting a concert in church the next day. 

"He loves what he does and for him it's all about the music and making the music at the church the best it can be.

"We held two celebrations: an evensong to allow Lloyd's friends who would be working in the choirs or playing and who couldn't come on a Sunday morning to attend and then a Sunday morning celebration for members of the congregation to celebrate."

She added: "It was a lovely surprise and one that I've had to keep secret for six weeks."

Lloyd said he was "flabbergasted" when he discovered a celebration was being held and couldn't quite believe the number of people "who kept arriving."

His son Richard travelled all the way from Devon to participate in the celebration. 

The director of music who said he has "no intention" of standing down added: "It was just amazing to think all these people arrived for me. 

"We held the service on July 28 and the vicar preached the sermon which included a number of references to me and how long I'd been at the church. 

"It was a wonderful celebration."