The Hunts Forum Volunteer Awards returned this year to recognise the fantastic achievements and contributions that volunteers make in the community.

As an independent, non-profit registered charity, The Hunts Forum aims to support, strengthen, and encourage voluntary sector organisations based in Huntingdon.

On Tuesday, July 16, the group's annual ceremony was held at Hinchingbrooke Country Park when the "tireless work" of volunteers was recognised.

Dr Nik Johnson, mayor of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, handed out the awards.

"A big 'thank you' to everyone nominated as a ‘volunteer for recognition’ this year," said Julie Farrow, CEO of Hunts Forum.

"We were overwhelmed to receive so many deserving entries. After much deliberation, we are delighted to reveal the three main award winners this year, including the Trustee Award, Young Volunteer of the Year Award, and Rural Award."

Volunteer Awards

Gold – Ann and Keith Parker, CARESCO

Gold Award winners Ann and Keith Parker, CARESCO.Gold Award winners Ann and Keith Parker, CARESCO. (Image: Hunts Forum)

James Harding picking up his Silver volunteer award.James Harding picking up his Silver volunteer award. (Image: Hunts Forum)


Bronze – Steve Davison, Huntingdon Gymnastic Club

Rural Award

Winner – A representative for Vhari Russel, Creating Nature Corridors

Young Volunteer of the Year Award

Winner – Rosie Fox, Magpas Air Ambulance

Young Volunteer winner Rosie Fox.Young Volunteer winner Rosie Fox. (Image: Hunts Forum)

Trustee Volunteer Award

Winner – Patricia Peek, Hemingford Hub.

Trustee Award winner Patricia Peek from the Hemingford Hub.Trustee Award winner Patricia Peek from the Hemingford Hub. (Image: Hunts Forum)

“Our Volunteer Awards are a highlight of the year, a time when we get to celebrate the work of all those unsung heroes who ensure our charities can continue to support our communities," Julie told the audience.

"A huge congratulations to nominees and winners; it was a privilege to hear about your efforts and take time to celebrate your achievements.”

Hunts Forum says it wants to thank all the volunteers for their extraordinary contributions and dedication.

It also paid tribute to its sponsors: Huntingdonshire District Council, Gethyn Williams – Non-Profit Development, Get Synergised – Rachel Hales, Toni Hunter from Hunter IAS, Room to Reward, and Cambridge Rock Festival.