Three Year 10 students in Huntingdonshire got to spend the week as builders, as they took part in work experience with Urban&Civic.

The Ernulf Academy pupils joined the company, which is currently working on a site in Wintringham, for a week's worth of challenges that housing developers face.

Some of the activities they took part in included designing homes that achieve sustainability targets, as well as planning green spaces to support habitat creation for local species.

They also had to design and restore historic waterways, incluing Hen Brook and Wintringham Brook, and tackle new water systems to prevent climate change and flooding.

The pupils took on challenges faced by house builders.The pupils took on challenges faced by house builders. (Image: Tim George)

On the work experience, the three pupils also got to take a look at children's play areas in Wintringham and what goes into them, as well as cycling round leisure trails and footpaths in the St Neots development.

They also designed their own developments, attempted to build bridges out of marshmallow and spaghetti, and tried their hand at bricklaying.

Recommended Reading: Astrea Academy Trust: Mark Neesam leaves Ernulf Academy

The students used the maths and physics that they've been learning at school into the housing development world, and had great fun doing it.

Christine Littlewood, who is the Community Development Lead for Wintringham, said: "The work experience programme has been an eye-opener for our students, providing them with an insight into how the subjects they are studying at GCSE can be applied to real life scenarios and provide a better understanding of the various jobs and careers that go into making a place like Wintringham come to life."