An annual village supper saw 100 people come together to combat loneliness in older generations.

Sawtry Village Academy played host to the Sawtry Feast Supper, which has taken place for more than 70 years now.

The aim of the supper is to encourage as many as residents as possible over the age of 65 to meet up with fellow villagers.

Sawtry Feast Supper aims to combat loneliness in the older generation.Sawtry Feast Supper aims to combat loneliness in the older generation. (Image: Sawtry Feast Supper)

The inspiration behind the supper comes from a sad statistic from Age UK - more than two million people in England over the age of 75 live alone, and more than a million older people go without speaking to a friend, neighbour or their family for a month.

The Sawtry Feast Supper tries to combat this social isolation amongst our older generation. 

This year there was a great turnout for the supper, and there was a top table of guests who'd had a big impact on the local community this year.

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Guests were provided with transportation to the Academy, as well as a free two-course meal and drinks. 20 students from Sawtry Village Academy offered up their time to volunteer at the event.

Students from Sawtry Village Academy helped out.Students from Sawtry Village Academy helped out. (Image: Sawtry Feast Supper)

There was also entertainment from the Upwood Ukuleles who donated all of their proceeds back to the community, specifically to the Magpas Air Ambulance. An additional £400 was raised in a raffle, which will also go towards supporting the local community.

Madison Leader, the Secretary for the Sawtry Feast Supper said: “The Sawtry Feast Supper is an exciting event in the Sawtry calendar.

"It’s a vital opportunity for new villagers to meet existing residents, form relationships across generations and enjoy a fun evening of entertainment and laughter."

Principal at Sawtry Village Academy, Simon Parsons, added: "The Sawtry Feast Supper is an important and historical event in the Sawtry calendar.

"We are proud to host the event at the academy and our students had a fantastic time helping out and socialising with the attendees."