It seems shark season has officially arrived in the UK.

The North Wales coast - particularly Anglesey -  is one of the locations where you might spot a basking shark - the second largest fish in the world. And surprise surprise, it's happened already.

Fishing enthusiast Jimmy Price had to do a double-take when a large dorsal fin suddenly appeared before him in Anglesey, Wales. The 59-year-old, who has experienced plenty of strange happenings on the North Wales coast, admitted that on this occasion, he was left "shocked".

Quick thinking Jimmy whipped out his phone to capture video evidence, which saw the large mammal, measuring roughly 10ft-11ft, floating around in the water inside the nearby Holyhead Breakwater lighthouse. The shark was spotted swimming towards the port before turning at a buoy and slowly disappearing back out to sea.

At least 21 species live in British waters all year round including some of the largest and fastest.

As well as the 21 resident sharks, there are at least 11 deepwater shark species, including the Portuguese Dogfish, Black Dogfish, Kitefin Shark and Gulper Shark.

But don't worry, all are harmless, it still is safe to go back in the water.

Basking Shark season

During warmer months you may be lucky enough to spot the world’s second-largest fish. The filter-feeding Basking Shark. 

Basking Shark season tends to be May or October, and there are a few hotspots around the British Isles where you'll most likely spot them. 

Well-known hot-spots:

  • Hebrides (Skye)
  • Hebrides (Mull)
  • Isle of Man
  • Malin Head
  • Southwest England

Basking sharks pose no danger to humans in general, but they are large animals and their skin is extremely rough, so caution is urged during any encounters.

The basking shark can reach lengths up to 40 feet (12 m). 

However, just because you don’t see a basking shark at any given place & time, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Basking sharks spend 90% of their time underwater and not at the surface.

So clear beaches are your best bet to see this mammoth fish.

According to Basking Shark Scotland: "During Spring, water temperature increases, sun hours and daylight increases and nutrients are highly available in the water.

"Like terrestrial plants coming to life in Spring, the ocean is no different and plankton starts to bloom. So you’ll not be surprised that basking sharks being planktivores (eating plankton) also appear when the plankton appears!"

Recommended reading:

Is this Britain's first Great White shark sighting?

Experts on why there have been more shark sightings

Great white sharks could migrate to UK waters by next year

Other sharks found in UK waters

Other seasonal visitors include the Blue Shark and Shortfin Mako. Blue Sharks are highly migratory and can travel over 5,700 miles (9,200km) in a single trip.

The Shortfin Mako is the fastest shark on record. They can reach speeds of up to 30mph, enabling them to catch fast-swimming prey such as tuna and swordfish.

Can we expect any dangerous sharks?

Shark Trust states: "Only a few sharks are potentially dangerous to humans. None of these have ever been reported in British waters. 

"With so many shark species under threat seeing a shark in British waters should be a cause for celebration."