Godmanchester’s streets were busy with three events in one weekend that got the community out in the fresh air.

As part of the national ‘Great Big Green Week', Godmanchester Town Council’s community nursery’s team of volunteers - headed by site manager Oscar Jeakins and assistant Katie Mayo - organised two days of activities.

On Saturday there was a well-attended ‘eco fair’ with lots of product and information stalls, face painting, a steel drum band and children’s activity area.

A favourite attraction was Heather's Hedgehog Hostels permanent resident Harry, a non-nocturnal African hedgehog.

Godmanchester’s town mayor, Councillor Alan Hooker, became quite attached to the little fella who fitted snuggly into his palm.

The Muddy Trowel Café team did a roaring trade over the two days, serving up generous helpings of their homemade cakes pastries and pizza folds washed down with teas and coffee.

The second day saw various talks from ‘Sustainable Gardening’ to ‘Brilliant Bees’, there was Yyoga in the orchard and other activities with members of the town council in attendance offering security bike marking.

While all this was going on, Godmanchester in Bloom members were organizing two days of open gardens around the town.

The recent weather had benefited the displays with gardens with blossom in abundance, some with quiet natural areas and one described as ‘a garden with contemporary zones to enjoy including a studio bar plus alfresco and zen areas for relaxation’.

The final piece of the jigsaw was organised by Miriam Radford, leader of the Godmanchester Litter Pickers, with a family litter pick around Godmanchester on the Sunday morning.