Animal rights activists held their second protest against MBR Acres within two weeks.

Following their May 25 protest, the 'Free the MBR Beagles' campaign group organised another event on June 8, outside the facility in Wyton near Huntingdon.

Arriving early in the morning, the activists, some of whom had travelled great distances, gathered at Sawtry Way, which was closed by police.

Andrew Crisp, from Camp Beagle, said: "They displayed signs along the roadside and the protest remained peaceful until a confrontation nearly ensued when MBR Acres’ bailiffs emerged to distribute injunction enforcement notices to the activists.

"After resorting to tossing the papers at them, the activists seized the opportunity presented by the momentarily unguarded gates to peer into the facility, prompting MBR Acres to summon the police for protection.

"When the bailiffs attempted to depart, the activists strategically positioned themselves at the entrance, effectively trapping them inside.

"Despite police efforts to mediate, the activists stood their ground, extending the protest for several hours to bar the bailiffs’ exit."

READ MORE: MBR Acres protest at Wyton 

Activist Morgan Russell said: "MBR Acres must not treat the police as their own security force, and taxpayers should be appalled that their funds are being utilized to safeguard this establishment.”

Cambridgeshire Constabulary said: "We closed the road at about 1pm for safety and no arrests were made."

MBR Acres, owned by US corporation Marshall Bioresources, operates at an eight-acre site on Sawtry Way.

Their operations were largely unknown until footage was obtained in 2021 of beagles on site, which prompted regular protests outside the facility and lead to the formation of Camp Beagle. 

Camp Beagle is the longest running permanent animal right protest camp in the world and activists have maintained a presence outside MBR acres 24/7 since July 2021.  

MBR Acres says it breeds animals and supplies dogs to licensed laboratories or businesses for the purpose of animal testing and research. Its website adds that the company is "dedicated to maintaining high standards of animal welfare".