The NHS trust that runs Hinchingbrooke Hospital, in Huntingdon, says it is trying to address traffic issues around the site at peak times.  

The North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust says it is working with Cambridgeshire County Council to find a solution. 

The hospital’s parking infrastructure has also been upgraded recently and now includes an entrance barrier and Automatic Number Plate Recognition systems.

It is hoped these will “aid traffic flow”.  

“The works were implemented with minimal disruption,” a trust spokesperson said. 

However one reader, who contacted The Hunts Post when the barriers were first being installed this spring, described the traffic impact as “utter carnage”.  

The reader – who asked not to be identified – raised the issue after it took them 30 minutes to get out of Hinchingbrooke’s main car park one afternoon.  

The North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust also runs Peterborough City Hospital and Stamford and Rutland Hospital.