A man who strangled his partner and threatened her with a knife has been jailed.

Louis Vincent, 33, subjected the victim to years of abuse during their relationship. 

He would wait for her in the communal car park when she got home and block her in with his car so she couldn’t drive away before shouting at her and banging on her car window.

He frequently shouted and screamed at her and even held a knife to her before strangling her.

On one occasion he forced her head down towards the passenger footwell of a car, restricting her breathing, and often threatened to harm himself if she tried to leave him. 

He also sent her abusive messages and damaged her clothes and belongings.

Vincent, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, intentional suffocation, actual bodily harm, criminal damage and possession of a bladed article.

He was sentenced to one year and eight months in prison at Peterborough Crown Court on Friday (May 31).

Detective Constable Dalton Shailes, who investigated, said: “First of all I would like to commend the victim for her bravery in coming forwards and putting her trust in us. I hope the guilty pleas and sentence will help allow her to begin to move on following years of terrifying violence and abuse.

“Coercive and controlling behaviour is a criminal offence and will not be tolerated. We would strongly urge anyone who is a victim of domestic abuse to contact police or call the national domestic violence helpline on 0808 2000 247.”