A 3D floral display has been unveiled in Huntngdoni town centre which recreates a beach scene from the Normandy Landings.

As part of this year's 80th Anniversary commemorations of D-Day, Huntingdon Town Council's Estate Services team have been hard at work to put together the wonderful display, which has been crafted by using recycled materials.

The display is made from recycled materials.The display is made from recycled materials. (Image: Newsquest)

On June 6, the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, many locals arrived at Bus Station Green to take a look at the recreated scene.

The display is at Bus Station Green.The display is at Bus Station Green. (Image: Newsquest)

Residents were joined by the mayor of Huntingdon, Cllr Karl Brockett, and his mayoress, Julie Brockett, as well as the Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Daryl Brown MBE, and the High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire, David Way.

Representatives from Huntingdon in Bloom, Huntingdon Town Council, the Huntingdon branch of the Royal British Legion, RAF Wyton, and other local military organisations were at the unveiling as well.

They were joined by local community groups including the Papworth Trust, Huntingdon Community Centre, Ferrars Hall Care Home, BID Huntingdon, Huntingdon and Godmanchester Twinning Association (HGTA), Diamond Hampers CIC, Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Hunts Shopmobility and others.

Recommended Reading: The Hunts Post D-Day announcement in June 8 1944 edition

The mayor of Huntingdon cut the ribbon to officially open the art before a memorial service in the Market Square.

Ribbon cutting at the Huntingdon in Bloom display.Ribbon cutting at the Huntingdon in Bloom display. (Image: Newsquest)

Cllr Brockett, said: "It is an honour to be standing here, paying tribute to all those who took part in D-Day. The values that those involved were fighting for are ones that we continue to uphold today - peace, freedom and democracy.

"Through events like this, we can ensure acts of such bravery, courage and sacrifice are always remembered."