A man has been sentenced after he sexually harassed six shop assistants in Cambridge.

Tariq Hemed, 44, entered four shops in Cambridge city centre between January 31 and March 14 earlier this year.

Each time he would approach female members of staff and make sexually suggestive comments and act in a threatening manner.

He was arrested on March 19 and initially claimed he couldn’t remember any of the incidents.

However, he since pleaded guilty to six counts of using threatening behaviour to cause harassment.

Hemed, of Kingsway, Cambridge, was sentenced on Tuesday (May 28) to 12 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months.

He was also ordered to complete 40 days rehabilitation activity requirement and will be subject to a Criminal Behaviour Order application.

PC Gary Nightingale said: “Violence Against Women and Girls is a force priority and while these comments may have seemed harmless to Hemed they have a huge impact.

“Women deserve to be able go into work, and about their daily lives, without fear of men approaching them and making unwanted comments.

“We are doing a huge amount of work as a force to target potential perpetrators and make the streets of Cambridgeshire a hostile place for them”.

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