The first-ever Bank Holiday Monday Fun Day at Eaton Socon Cricket Club has been hailed a 'spectacular' success by organisers.

There was children's entertainment, including a bouncy castle, stalls selling crafts and cakes, as well as food vendors.

The Hunts Post: Lisa Heast from Your Peachy Self was one of the many stall holders at the event.Lisa Heast from Your Peachy Self was one of the many stall holders at the event. (Image: NEWSQUEST)

Visitors were also able to enjoy watching a match featuring two of the club's U-11 teams.

The Hunts Post: A match took place between the club's two U-11 teams.A match took place between the club's two U-11 teams. (Image: NEWSQUEST)

A spokesperson for the club said: "We would like to say a special 'thank you' to  Lovett Sales & Rentals for sponsoring the event and to everyone who brought donations for the Foodbank.

"People were very generous, but we want to remind everyone that the foodbank needs help all year round.

The Hunts Post:

"We look forward to hosting more events at the club for the community and hope to see everyone again soon. 

"In the meantime, why not come down and watch some games either during the week or at the weekend. 

"With the season underway, you will be able to watch junior and adult teams. There is also junior coaching on Friday evenings at the club.

The Hunts Post: The club offers excellent facilities for junior players.The club offers excellent facilities for junior players. (Image: NEWSQUEST)

"The bar is always open for drinks and snacks."

Check out the club's website here for more information.