Cllr Alan Hooker has had a busy two weeks as he celebrated being re-elected as mayor of Godmanchester.

It is Cllr Hooker's second term in office, and he is joined once again by Cllr Miriam Radford, who will serve as deputy mayor.

At a Mayor Making Ceremony on May 16, Cllr Hooker presented a cheque for £3,000 to his selected charity, Forever Green.

Forever Green is a local charity which offers age appropriate grief counselling for children and young people. 

Samantha Green, manager of Forever Green, was at the event to receive the cheque.

The Hunts Post: Cllr Alan Hooker presenting a £3,000 Mayor's Charity cheque to Samantha Green, from Forever Green.Cllr Alan Hooker presenting a £3,000 Mayor's Charity cheque to Samantha Green, from Forever Green. (Image: Cllr Alan Hooker)

For his second term as mayor, Cllr Hooker announced that he will be supporting two organisations - The 1st Godmanchester Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, and the Godmanchester Girl Guiding.

In the two weeks since his re-election, Cllr Hooker has attended several local events.

His first engagement was supporting the Open Gardens Day at Island Hall, an event which has ran for 30 years and raised thousands of pounds for cancer charities.

Designer, Christopher Vane Percy, and his family, who reside at Island Hall, host the day as part of the National Gardens Scheme.

The Hunts Post: Cllr Alan Hooker and Christopher Vane Percy, who lives at Island Hall in Godmanchester.Cllr Alan Hooker and Christopher Vane Percy, who lives at Island Hall in Godmanchester. (Image: Cllr Alan Hooker)

Luckily, the weather held out throughout the day, and all of the visitors had a great day out.

The Open Gardens Day saw a whole host of visitors from far and wide visit Island Hall, with many making purchases of plants that were provided by Godmanchester Community Nursery.

Cllr Hooker's highlight of the day was having his portrait sketched by one of the ladies running the arts and crafts area, with the money raised going to support the St Mary's Church Fabric Fund.

The Hunts Post: A portrait of Cllr Alan Hooker by Ariadne Vane.A portrait of Cllr Alan Hooker by Ariadne Vane. (Image: Cllr Alan Hooker)Recommended Reading: Anglesey Abbey on BBC Hidden Treasures of the National Trust