A man from Huntingdon has been jailed for stalking his estranged wife after their relationship ended.

Rytis Lisauskas turned up at the victim's home in Peterborough every single day since July 2023.

The victim told Lisauskas to leave her alone, but he would hang around her house for hours at a time.

On a couple of occasions, he followed her to a bus stop.

His fixation with the victim intensified, and in September 2023, he arrived at her home and smashed a window.

He returned a few days later and threw stones at a different window.

Lisauskas, 32, was arrested. It then emerged that he had also carried out a sting of violent attacks on the victim last year, where he'd punched her in the head and pushed her.

He was released on bail with conditions prohibiting him from going to the victim's address.

Despite this, police were called again the following month after he tampered with CCTV cameras at her home.

He ripped a camera from a wall and smashed his way inside while the terrified victim barricaded herself in a bedroom with her children as he stole items which he claimed belonged to him.

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On Friday, May 17 at Cambridge Crown Court, Lisauskas, of no fixed abode, was sentenced to three years and two months in prison after he pleaded guilty to stalking, burglary, criminal damage, assault by beating and controlling and coercive behaviour.

DC Emily Richardson, who investigated, said: "The victim and her family have gone through a traumatic experience because of Lisauskas' appalling and selfish behaviour.

"No one should live in fear, especially in their own home. Stalking can be terrifying and can escalate quickly.

"We would  encourage anyone who fears they may be being stalked or harassed to get in touch. We’re here for victims 24/7 and will support them, as well as do all we can to bring offenders to justice."