Students and staff at Longsands Academy are celebrating after a positive Ofsted report.

The school, which in the past has been graded as 'Requires Improvement', has been rated as 'Good' in the latest Ofsted report.

It was rated as 'Good' in - the quality of education, personal development, leadership and management and sixth form provision.

It was rated as 'Requires Improvement' in behaviours and attitudes.

Inspectors visited the school in February, and found that "necessary changes are bearing fruit" at the school.

The report found that pupils at Longsands have "high aspirations", and that they value the teachers that support them - however, it recognised that this hasn't always been the case.

Ofsted noted that Astrea had worked with leaders at Longsands to "ensure that pupils learn well across an effective and broad curriculum, including in the sixth form."

One area of the Ofsted report noted that some pupils at Longsands do not feel safer or happier in terms of their behaviour and attitude.

It said: "Many pupils recognise improvements in behaviour that have occurred due to the school’s actions.

They feel safer and happier as a result. However, some do not.

"Some pupils still need further support to improve their behaviour to meet the school’s expectations."

Inspectors commented that leaders at Longsands recognise that there is still more work to do to support some pupils and their behaviour.

Recommended Reading: St Neots Astrea Academy survey results with government

Ofsted said that Longsands "has made necessary changes, including in  how behaviour is managed. These changes have had to address some deep-rooted behaviours throughout the school."

Dr Catherine Cusick, Principal of Longsands Academy, said: "This is a watershed moment for everyone at Longsands and a fantastic achievement for the community of St Neots."

Richard Slade, Mayor of St Neots, added: "This is wonderful news for the growing community at Longsands  - to know Ofsted have confirmed that young people are receiving a good education at Longsands is an important vote of confidence for this community."