The Cambridge congestion charge proposals face an uncertain future as political support dwindles. 

The revised proposals for the ‘Sustainable Travel Zone’, where a road charge would apply, were not even debated at a meeting this week due to the ‘lack of political consensus’. 

Over a year on since the plans were first announced by the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP), there are now questions whether it will all have to go back to the drawing board. 

In the last week the Labour group at Cambridge City Council, and the Liberal Democrat group at South Cambridgeshire District Council – both the ruling parties at their respective councils – indicated they did not support the current plans. 

The revised proposals for the congestion charge were put forward by the GCP to try and address concerns that had been raised over the last year. 

The original plans included a £5 weekday charge for drivers travelling in the city between 7am and 7pm. A number of exemptions and discounts were proposed, including for people with Blue Badges and those on low incomes. 

The charge was proposed to help fund a new expanded bus network with more frequent and cheaper buses. The GCP had also proposed to invest in other sustainable travel schemes, such as improving cycling and walking routes. 

Thousands of people responded to a consultation on the initial proposals, with 70 per cent saying they were in favour of the proposed transport network improvements, but 58 per cent saying they were opposed to the congestion charge itself. 

The revised plans proposed changes to when the road charge would apply, and offered additional discounts. 

The GCP proposed to only apply the charge in peak time hours in the morning and afternoon, and said people would also receive 50 free days. 

Motorbikes were proposed to be exempt from the charge, and a 50 per cent discount was suggested for small businesses, and people on low incomes. 

Exemptions were also planned for most people who need to go to the hospital by car and for anyone in receipt of carers benefits and mobility PIP. 

These new plans were due to be debated for the first time by the GCP joint assembly meeting this week (September 7). 

However, a majority of members agreed they would not scrutinise the papers due to the lack of political consensus for the scheme. 

The assembly asked GCP officers to look at the implications of not progressing with the project and to investigate other funding options. 

The GCP board is due to meet later this month on September 28, and they are expected to be asked to make a decision on what happens next. 

Any decision made by the board has to be unanimous. 

The board has three voting members: Cllr Mike Davey, leader of Cambridge City Council, Cllr Elisa Meschini, deputy leader at Cambridgeshire County Council, and Cllr Brian Milnes, deputy leader at South Cambridgeshire District Council. 

Two of these board members represent political groups that have currently indicated that they do not support the current proposals. 

If the plans were recommended to go forward, this recommendation would be taken to the county council, which is the authority that has the power to potentially introduce the road charge. 

Papers published by the GCP said a final decision was not expected until summer 2024. 

However, with this currently looking unlikely, people will have to wait and see if a different recommendation comes forward either before or at the board meeting later this month.