Detailed plans have been set out for what over 130 new homes on the edge of Somersham could look like. 

Outline approval to develop an area of land north of Chatteris Road was granted earlier this year. 

The developer, Allison Homes, has submitted the proposals to Huntingdonshire District Council to build 132 homes. 

The application asks for permission to develop the 5.5 hectares site, which is currently mostly grassland fields. 

The plans state that 40 per cent of the new homes would be made available as ‘affordable housing’ through a mix of shared ownership homes and affordable rent. 

In planning documents submitted as part of the application, the developer said: “The site will be designed carefully to ensure the development sits appropriately within the sensitive context of the neighbouring local nature reserve to the west and open landscape to the north. 

“Existing boundary trees and hedging will be retained to minimise the impact of the proposed development on the local nature reserve, green infrastructure and biodiversity.” 

Members of the public can share their views on the application through the district council’s online planning portal.