Community activist Alan Hooker was named as the new mayor of Godmanchester at the town's annual mayor-making ceremony on May 18. 

Kathy Hooker is the new mayoress; Cllr Miriam Radford was appointed as the deputy mayor, with Philip Radford as her consort.

Reverend David Busk will continue in his role as the mayor’s chaplain.

The new mayor thanked his fellow councillors for entrusting him with the honour of being the ‘first citizen’ and said he hoped the next 12 months would be an enjoyable experience.

His charity for the year ahead will be Forever Green, which is a new local charity providing bereavement support for children.

Cllr Jonathan Young thanked the new mayor for all his hard work in his role as chaiman of the environment portfolio over the past five years and wished him well in his new role.

Outgoing mayor, Cllr Richard Taplin was thanked for all his hard work over the past 12 months.

The Hunts Post: A cheque for £2,000 was presented by Cllr Taplin to Jude Lechmere, project manager for the Godmanchester Foodbank.A cheque for £2,000 was presented by Cllr Taplin to Jude Lechmere, project manager for the Godmanchester Foodbank. (Image: GODMANCHESTER FOODBANK)


The mayor’s charity for the past year has been the Godmanchester Foodbank and a cheque for £2,000 was presented by Cllr Taplin to Jude Lechmere who is the project manager for the Foodbank.